This year Toodles took the plunge and booked the 2009 GOM rally to a secluded porn palace in Gloucestershire. The criteria applied when he selected this venue is unclear however, rumour has it that the ghost of a murdered 21 year old school mistress has been seen haunting the bathroom of this old school house.
Attendees are:
- Tel (and his amazing pants) Palmer
- Phil (“you gonna leave that or can I have it?”) Coventry
- Richard (I may work in HR, but at least I am not a banker) Cockerton
- Mike (Sheik) Shaw
- Danny (the Ray Charles) McCormack
- Jim (with the head of Everest) Tavendale
This years dropouts are:
- Lee (shandy pants) Hazlewood – Some pathetic excuse about getting married the following weekend or something.
- Colin (with the ear hair of a stoat) Stroud